Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Who is responsible for children's proper use of technology?

Technology is everywhere. In schools, lessons are presented and goals are achieved with the use of various technologies. Children and young adults literally have the world wide web at their fingertips and easily accessible.

How can parents and teachers help to ensure children are safe and protected when exploring the internet?


The blog below, designed by a parent, has outlined 5 basic guidelines parents or teachers can follow to help children feel comfortable and safe with using technology:


The fifth guideline, full disclosure, can stretch far beyond the use of technology. I believe this guideline to be one of the most important. In any relationship, especially one between parent and child, communication is one of the most important factors. The dynamic of a relationship, specifically communication, established by a parent, helps determine how the relationship will exist and grow. Open and honest communication can allow a child to properly learn, use, and share technology. Perhaps children who are encouraged to communicate positively with their parents, are less inclined to hide their improper use of technology. Sharing thoughts and building a positive relationship can easily extend to a child's proper and safe use of technology.